February 8th, 2025

Main Line Singers presents …


Enjoy the concert! And meet us in the Parish Center behind the church for some treats after the show!

We are always looking for new members! We rehearse on Wednesday evenings and a love of fun music is all that’s required (no auditions!)

Our mission is to enhance our community through music; bringing joy, and enrichment to our singers and our audiences.

Main Line Singers is a 501c3 organization. All donations to Main Line Singers are tax deductible.

St. Katharine of Siena Parish
for providing our performance, rehearsal and event space.
We love it here! And are so grateful for your community-minded parish.


  1. TAKE THE R5
  2. A MILLION DREAMS (The Greatest Showman)
    Words and Music by BENJ PASEK and JUSTIN PAUL | Arranged by MAC HUFF
    Soloists:  Ian Roth, Joanie Brundage
  3. OVER THE RAINBOW (The Wizard of Oz)
    Music by HAROLD ARLEN | Lyrics by E. Y. “YIP” HARBURG | Arranged by MAC HUFF
    Soloists:  Peg Gibb, Melissa Gerstein
  4. HOW FAR I’LL GO (Moana)
    Music and Lyrics by LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA | Arranged by ED LOJESKI
  5. IT HAD TO BE YOU (When Harry Met Sally)
    Words by GUS KAHN | Music by ISHAM JONES | Arranged by RUSS ROBINSON
  6. STAND BY ME (with LEAN ON ME) (Stand by Me)
    Arranged by KIRBY SHAW | Stand By Me: Words and Music by JERRY LEIBER, MIKE STOLLER and BEN E. KING | Lean on Me: Words and Music by BILL WITHERS
    Soloists: Peg Gibb, Ekaterina Latypova
  7. BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY (Wayne’s World)
    Words and Music by FREDDIE MERCURY | Arranged by MARK BRYMER
  8. WHAT WAS I MADE FOR (The Barbie Movie)
    Words and Music by BILLIE EILISH O’CONNELL and FINNEAS O’CONNELL | Arranged by ANDY BECK
    Ensemble: Julia Bartosh, Kimberly Carr, Vicki Gratz
  9. KISS FROM A ROSE (Batman Forever)
    Words and Music by SEAL | Arranged by STEFAN WYATT
    Ensemble: Rick Crecraft, Rosanna D’Orazio, Richard Finkel, Marisa Mignogna | Accompanist: Michael Mignogna
  10. RAINDROPS KEEP FALLIN’ ON MY HEAD (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid)
    Words by HAL DAVID | Music by BURT BACHARACH | Arranged by LORRAINE BALL (MLS)
    Ensemble: Lorraine Ball, Eils Lotozo, Suzanne Sennhenn
  11. SHALLOW (A Star Is Born)
    Ensemble: Donna Della Buono, Maureen Hager, Dudley Rice, Briana Wisniewski
  12. A THOUSAND YEARS (The Twilight Saga)
    Words and Music by DAVID HODGES and CHRISTINA PERRI | Arranged by ANDY BECK
    Ensemble: Danielle Breslin-Romano, Eileen Cassidy, Jennifer Nelson
  13. THIS IS ME (The Greatest Showman)
    Words and Music by BENJ PASEK and JUSTIN PAUL
    Ensemble: Acting Without Boundaries Performers
  14. EYE OF THE TIGER (Rocky III)
    Words and Music by FRANKIE SULLIVAN III and JIM PETERIK | Arranged by ERIC VAN CLEAVE
  15. HALLELUJAH (Shrek)
    Words and Music by LEONARD COHEN | Arranged by ROGER EMERSON
    Soloists: Esther Everts, Nicole Manning
  16. CIRCLE OF LIFE (The Lion King) with AWB
    Music by ELTON JOHN | Lyrics by TIM RICE | Arranged by KEITH CHRISTOPHER

Main Line Singers / Acting Without Boundaries Narration Script

Narrator #1: Audio Description of the setting: We are in St. Katharine of
Siena Church. Light comes in through colorful stained-glass windows. The
altar is in the center of the church, surrounded by pews in front, back and
on the left and right. A grand piano is on one side of the altar, with drums,
guitars, and bass nearby as well. The Main Line Singers enter the church.
While they enter, please scan the QR code to follow along with our song
introductions throughout the program. The Main Line Singers will now
perform their signature song: “Take the R5.”

Narrator #2: Good afternoon and Welcome to the Main Line Singers
Winter Concert: Lights! Camera! Music! I am a member of Acting Without
Boundaries, AWB, and we are excited to participate with Main Line Singers
to bring you this performance. We’ll tell you a little more about us later.

Narrator #3: This afternoon, we’ll be introducing the songs. Our first three
songs all have something “Great” about them. A Million Dreams is from
2017’s The Greatest Showman, which by the way, will be coming to the
Broadway stage. We have two choir members who are ready for their
auditions today. Ian and Joanie will showcase their talent with their solos.

Narrator #4: Over the Rainbow was made famous by the “Great” Judy
Garland in The Wizard of Oz in 1939. The soloists for today’s version are
Peg and Melissa. How Far I’ll Go, from Disney’s animated movie Moana,
was released in 2016 and written by one of the “Greatest” composers of
our day, Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Narrator #5: For these next two songs, we’re traveling back to the 1980s! It
Had to Be You from the 1989 movie When Harry Met Sally, and 1986’s
Stand by Me, which was based on a short story by Stephen King. Yes, the
king of horror wrote this coming of age, movie classic! Peg and Katya will
be featured in this song. Then, we head to 1992 with Bohemian Rhapsody
from the movie Wayne’s World. Party on!

Narrator #6: The choir sits while a small group remains standing. This is a
great time to tell you more about the Main Line Singers! As a community
based chorus, Main Line Singers was thrilled to partner with AWB. But they
also would love for you to join them as well. MLS rehearses on
Wednesdays at 7 pm right here at St. Katharine’s. Please go to their
website mainlinesingers.org to learn more information about how you can
join in on the fun. All are welcome!

Julia, Kim, and Vicki approach the microphones to sing a song from the
2023 movie Barbie, What Was I Made For. We think it’s all Kenough and
hope you will too.

As Julia, Kim and Vicki return to their seats, Rosanna, Marisa, Richard and
Rick move to the microphones to perform Kiss from a Rose from the 1995
Batman Forever movie.

Narrator #7: For A Thousand Years Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head,
maybe it’s because I’m Shallow. Rosanna, Marisa, Richard and Rick return
to their seats and Lorraine, Suzanne and Eils approach the microphones,
all with ukuleles. They’ll sing Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head by Burt
Bacharach and Hal David. This song comes from the 1969 movie Butch
Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Lorraine, Suzanne and Eils take their seats as we plunge into Shallow from
the 2018 movie A Star Is Born. Briana, Donna, Maureen, and Dudley
approach the microphones.

No sparkly vampires here tonight but we still have A Thousand Years from
the 2011 Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. Danielle, Eileen and Jen
approach the microphones as our last four singers take their seats.

As the final members of Main Line Singers return to their seats. We would
love to tell you more about Acting Without Boundaries.

AWB’s goal is to create performing arts opportunities for people with
disabilities. We offer free year-round programs designed to meet the unique
needs of our actors. We present two large-scale performances each year.
See our table for more information and volunteer opportunities.

Now, AWB would love to perform for you “This is Me” from The Greatest

Audio Description: The full choir returns to the stage.

Narrator #8: “Yo, Adrian!” Our next set starts with Eye of The Tiger, the
theme song to 1983’s Rocky II. We then get a little more serious with
Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah from the 2001 movie Shrek with solos by
Esther and Nicole.

Narrator #9: “Everything the light touches is our kingdom.” Such a powerful
quote from Disney’s 2019 movie The Lion King, reminding us we are all
part of the Circle of Life. We would like to thank you for coming on this
cinematic journey with us this afternoon. We hope you enjoy our last
number as all the performers on stage join our voices together. Enjoy the
featured choreography inspired by American Sign Language performed by
a small group at the front of the church.


BRIANA: Thank you for being an absolutely incredible audience this afternoon. My name is Briana Wisniewski, co-president of Main Line Singers along with Dudley Rice. We have been so thrilled to work with this incredible group of Main line Singers and want to thank all our performers for their dedication and amazing talents this season. Before we dismiss, we want to take a moment to thank a few individuals who truly helped bring this concert into fruition. First, we want to thank our absolutely outstanding and enthusiastic artistic director Dr. Edward Latham, and our extraordinary and ever faithful accompanist Oxana Harlamova.

DUDLEY: Next, to our fantastic musicians for bringing the beats to several of our numbers, Kyle Struve on drums, John Latham and Sean Markey on guitar and Josh Bartkowski on bass.

BRIANA: We also want to acknowledge our friends from AWB whose fantastic creativity and tireless efforts made this a truly joyous collaboration. Thank you to all AWB Performers, and especially  Erika Dandridge, Maria Ceferatti, and Neill Hartley. 

DUDLEY: We invite all of you to our post-concert reception, which will be held in our Parish Hall. Once the performers clear the stage area, you can walk straight down the aisle to the back doors and into the hall. Thank you so much everyone for all of your support!


Dr. Edward D. Latham, Artistic Director




Susan Adams
Bonnie Anapol
Lorraine Ball
Adele Ballard
Chris Barnes
Julia Bartosh
Rachel Bowes
Danielle Breslin-Romano
Thomas Briggs
Joanie Brundage
Andrew Buchan
Kimberly Carr
Thomas Casey
Eileen Cassidy
Judy Clay
Catherine Conway
Rick Crecraft
Amanda Dekmar
Donna Dello Buono
Elena Dengler
Sue Dewis
Allie Dibble
Debbie Dickstein
Debbie Ditchoff
Christine Donato
Rosanna D’Orazio
Esther Everts
Richard Finkel

Melissa Gerstein
Peg Gibb
Mary Graham
Victoria Gratz
Mike Groller
Corinne Hackman
Maureen Hager
Catherine Halliday
Lawrie Harris
Karen Huang
Beth Incollingo
Andrea Kasper
Irene Kennedy
Alice Kirsch
Ekaterina Latypova
Judy Levick
Julia Littell
Tina Lopez
Eils Lotozo
Robert Love
Matthew Mani
Nicole Manning
Kimberly Marnien
Marisa Mignogna
Mariessa Molloy
Diane Moore
John Moser
Ken Muhleisen

Jennifer Nelson
Susanne Neubig
Natalie Pedersen
Larry Persofsky
Brittany Peterson
Ken Plummer
Gwen Plummer
Julia Raizen
Lisa Rapetti
Lenore Reardon
Dudley Rice
Anne-Marie Richards
Wendy Romano
Ian Roth
Kelly Saverino
Suzanne Sennhenn
Barbara Sharf
Lara Smith
Joan Stern
Maria Stetter
Helen Subbio
Leida Taylor
Maggie Thornton
Grayson Waldron
Linda Walters
Amy Wishner
Briana Wisniewski
Kris Zborowski




Simon Bonenfant
Shelby Chestnut
Brooke Connolly
Flynn Dorney

Addison Evans
Evy Fontroy
Evan Linden
Christine Rouse

Elizabeth Seaman
Eric Trobman
Briana White


The Abel Family
Louise Dagit
Bryan Eltman
Clare Finkel
Jon Finkel
Lori Gerstein
The Gibb Family
The Gratz Family
Lawrie Harris
Matthew Lucarelli
Ken & Gwen Plummer
Erin Reusche
Joanne Saverino
Gabriela Snyder
Helen Subbio

Dr. Edward D. Latham is Associate Professor of Music Studies and Coordinator of the DMA in Music Performance program at Temple University’s Boyer College of Music and Dance, where he advises some of the Greater Philadelphia area’s finest student musicians. He is a professional tenor, and has performed with the resident choir of the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Philadelphia Singers, the Philadelphia Chamber Choir, the Mendelssohn Club and the Music Group of Philadelphia. He has toured the world with various choral ensembles and has over 150 performances to his credit. Currently the Director of Music at St. Thomas of Villanova Parish (Villanova, PA) and the Associate Director of Liturgical Music at St. Katharine of Siena Parish (Wayne, PA), Dr. Latham accompanies regularly on both the piano and the organ, and directs multiple choirs of all ages.

from the MLS Board of Directors

Dudley Rice & Briana Wisniewski | CO-PRESIDENTS
Marisa Mignogna | SECRETARY
Esther Everts | TREASURER
 Natalie Pedersen & Peg Gibb | FORMER PRESIDENTS

Julia Raizen | DEVELOPMENT
Barbara Sharf & Rachel Bowes| MARKETING
Lara Smith & Joan Stern | MEMBERSHIP
Eileen Cassidy & Maureen Hager | MUSIC  
Lisa Rapetti & Suzanne Sennhenn | OUTREACH
Melissa Gerstein | PERFORMANCE
Kimberly Carr | VOLUNTEERS